What are contractors asking fleet operators for?

1 July 2019

The CLOCS Standard requires principal contractors to specify CLOCS compliance in their procurement strategies, core tender documentation, contracts and/or purchase orders, conditions of contract (or equivalent), site management documentation, and ensure adequate resources are allocated within tender prices. But what are organisations ACTUALLY asking for? The current CLOCS survey asks all contractors to advise what they ask for – but would also be helpful if fleet operators also respond to give their perspective. Click here to complete short survey and click here to read more.

Principal contractors (and other procurers) must make clear in their procurement documentation that fleet operators shall ensure all journeys comply with the CLOCS Standard. Fleet operators must ensure all vehicle operations meet the requirements described as Silver in the FORS Standard, addressing the issues of management, vehicles, drivers and operations.

Fleet operators must also provide evidence acceptable to the procurer to demonstrate requirements have been met. A current FORS Silver certificate is widely recognised as evidence of an independent robust audit by the FORS team, but procurers can define and accept other options.

Early responses from the current CLOCS procurement survey identifies encouraging consistency and accurate specification between those procuring fleet operations. Most specify that “all journeys of vehicles over 3.5t must be CLOCS compliant”; some allow 90 days from contract award to be compliant. Unhelpfully some only ask “FORS Silver or equivalent” without making any reference to CLOCS – when they should ask for “CLOCS compliance providing evidence of meeting FORS Silver requirements”.

Procurers are encouraged to ask suppliers “Are you also a CLOCS Champion? If not, we would encourage you to consider becoming part of the national effort to ensure the safest construction journeys”. However, CLOCS Champion status is not required to be CLOCS compliant.

Complete the survey here: survey