Virtual CLOCS Site Monitoring Visit – Kier’s exemplar score

30 June 2020

Kier North West achieved an exemplar score of 26/27 on a recent virtual CLOCS site monitoring visit on the First Pavilion project at the University of Manchester.

The grass-covered dome-shaped building will host a gallery, exhibition and education spaces, as well as a café and a 2,300ft² auditorium space which will be devoted to displaying immersive digital presentations and hosting a range of events. The site is contained within an established tourist attraction, with its own delivery traffic, where risk assessments of vulnerable road users are established.

“We particularly focused on the responsibility for procuring supplies and services that require vehicle deliveries to ensures the safest construction vehicle journeys.” The Senior Site Manager

How it achieved an exemplar score:

A clear and detailed Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) has been produced, focusing on the CLOCS requirements for addressing the risks associated with vulnerable road users. The plan includes input from major supplier fleet operators and is reviewed both monthly and when construction phases move on and amendments are recorded to show it is a live document.

Kier’s conditions of procurement include reference to CLOCS requirements and FORS delivery vehicle compliance and these are reinforced with each purchase order.

An electronic delivery management software package, DataScope, is used to plan and record each delivery and route maps are included to identify ‘the last mile route’. Road traffic incidents which may require route changes are identified using a live Highways England website, although none have occurred to date.

The main site entrance road is surfaced and designed for regular client delivery traffic. No gradient issues exist and specific site access roads to all intended delivery locations have been created which are surfaced and include suitable passing points to allow vehicle flow and return.

All traffic marshals have passed the CITB training schemes and records of vehicle checks are produced in the gatehouse for storage in the office system. A minimum of FORS silver is required and just one non-compliance has occurred where the vehicle was refused.

Additional details:

  • Specific material storage areas are designated, and suitable unloading surfaces are available.
  • CLOCS reporting is an agenda item on the monthly client meetings and formal quarterly reports are produced and circulated to the client and company head office.
  • Contact with the community is facilitated via the client and client website, capitalising on the client’s understanding of the neighbourhood’s needs and values.
  • Collision information is provided by supplier fleet operators. However, none have occurred to date, specific to this site.

Congratulations to the site team at First Pavilion for a job well done! 

Find out more about CLOCS site monitoring visits here.