Updated gate check poster and checklist

29 August 2019

CLOCS has updated the Gate Check Poster and Checklist – now available in our resources section for download and print.

CLOCS is committed to delivering useful resources to hoardings across the UK. Our latest update involves the Gate Check Poster and Checklist. Site teams, particularly site access traffic marshals, will find these helpful as they provide clear and structured information about what they should be assessing as vehicle enter their sites.

The Poster and Checklist

The poster can be downloaded and printed by your local print supplier. If your print supplier has questions you can’t answer, please contact enquiries@clocs.org.uk.

The associated checklist follows the poster and provides a framework for site access traffic marshals to follow, including guidance on non-compliance.

This information and assessment are in line with the latest CLOCS Standard and the FORS Silver Standard. We have consulted with and worked alongside our CLOCS Champions and FORS to deliver these updates.

Remember: when contractors register for a CLOCS site review they get a poster and banner sent automatically. Details here.

CLOCS Resources – Poll

Last month we asked you about our CLOCS resources in the ‘CLOCS resources under review’ article.

Don’t forget this poll is still available so you can tell us what you want to see from CLOCS!

>>> share your opinions here <<<