TfGM co-invest in CLOCS

30 July 2019

TfGM hosted members from Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) on the 11th July 2019 for a discussion on CLOCS and its benefits. The meeting was convened specifically to help inform colleagues with both planning and procurement responsibilities about the benefits of adopting the CLOCS Standard.

“Riding a bicycle or crossing a street should not require bravery” said Richard Banks, Senior Manager Freight Programmes, Transport for Greater Manchester “and we are determined to support the steps we are taking to change the way people get around.”

The CLOCS Standard provides a simple set of actions required of all key stakeholders in construction and TfGM recognise the value of achieving consistency across the Greater Manchester region. They encourage compliance with CLOCS standards and already specify within procurement requirements. Through their commitment to co-investment into the National Programme a local strategy is being developed to include a launch event, training for implementation of CLOCS, monitoring of uptake and research and development. TfGM will continue to work with partners and other organisations to reduce the impact of construction on the community. 

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