Transport for Greater Manchester and CLOCS

28 March 2019

Richard Banks, Senior Manager Freight Programmes, Transport for Greater Manager opened his presentation with “Riding a bicycle or crossing a street should not require bravery”.

TfGM’s ‘Made to Move’ strategy aims to build a high-quality network for cycling and walking to benefit all of their towns and the City centre and to deliver high quality commuter routes into the heart of the regional centre.  They have invested in a number of safety measures, including the installation of Trixi mirrors at road junctions, kerb segregation for cyclists and Safe Urban Driving courses for 2100 commercial vehicle drivers.

Importantly, they have embedded CLOCS into their procurement:

  • Metrolink Renewals framework – embedded into the contract
  • Urban Traffic Control framework – accepted during the tender stage and managed on a project by project basis

Richard said, “Authorities across Greater Manchester are committed to double –then double again- the number of cycling trips, and making walking the natural choice for short trips, to improve air quality, congestion and population health – so removing the fear and risk of collisions with HGVs is critical. CLOCS provides a clear framework of actions for planners, clients, contractors and fleet operators to ensure each plays their part. TfGM now already procures for CLOCS Standard compliance on major projects incl. Manchester Metrolink and Urban Traffic Control and is working with all 10 authorities within the Greater Manchester Combined Authority to adopt CLOCS across the area”.