Supporting social distancing and active travel

30 June 2020

Extra vigilance is needed in construction logistics as traffic management measures are introduced across the UK to support social distancing and boost active travel.

The middle of May saw the City of London and Transport of London gain national headlines for the traffic management measures they planned to introduce to assist with social distancing. Fast forward to July and a lot of these measures are either in place or being installed. Priority is now given to pedestrians and cyclists in line with Department of Transport guidance to encourage more active travel but particularly on the route to work as lockdown is eased. The goal is to protect public transport, the NHS and limit the number of vehicles on the road.

London might gain the headlines but this is a national operation. In Cardiff, major thoroughfares and well-known routes like Castle Street have a quiet continental feel to it. It’s closed to all motor traffic. The only noises: whirring bike wheels, people chatting, and seagulls. Cardiff City Council has serious ambitions to reduce traffic movements regardless of COVID19: it has strong political leadership and is backed by Transport for Wales. Manchester shares the same vision. Across the city – like in other parts of the UK – pavements are being widened and protected cycle lanes installed. On key routes like the A56, it allows families to use bikes in a way that previously was unthought of.

These changes and others like them mean that the movement of all vehicles needs more planning. Journey times might take longer. Some routes are closed to all traffic – e.g. Canon Street in London is now one way. 

So, check the traffic management priorities against any CLPs created before lockdown. Anyone using the roads needs to adapt to help with the adjustment for COVID-19. Plan ahead. Be a transport hero.

See how CLOCS Champion Tideway is managing safety-critical tasks and re-starting additional operations during COVID-19 here.