Together we can influence governments across UK

30 June 2020

CLOCS is working with RoadPeace and some of the UK’s most important construction sector bodies to inform and compel the Chief Executives in each of the UK’s 441 local authorities to adopt CLOCS. We’re currently writing to every one of them, producing a short video, and providing a CLOCS manifesto for everyone seeking election.

But imagine how much more those local authority Chief Executives would do if you and every CLOCS Champion were to also write, urging them to publicly commit to implementing CLOCS in planning and procurement policies – together we can make a real difference.

The joint effort is also targeting England’s 24 ‘metro mayors’ to also adopt CLOCS. Each of these community leaders will be informed on the 1,884 fatal and serious injury collisions every year between construction vehicles and Vulnerable Road Users – rising to 5,500 collisions in 2018 when you include minor injuries which were lucky not to be fatal or serious injuries.

And importantly, CLOCS makes a real difference – shown in the 47% reduction in collisions and 36% reduction in complaints seen within 2 years when CLOCS was meaningfully implemented in defined locations, through planning requirements and construction procurement.

How CLOCS Champions can easily help to influence others: 

In early July, CLOCS will publish the contact details of every UK local authority Chief Executive and provide every CLOCS Champion with a template letter or 3 core points to use in writing to your chosen local authorities. 

Once available, we urge you to use those resources to write to as many leaders as you can. 

When those Chief Executives receive consistent e-mails from 10, 20 or maybe 30 different CLOCS Champion organisations all calling for positive action to protect their community, they must be compelled to publicly adopt CLOCS.

Together we can make a real difference.
