
Safety Forum #21 The Human Factor in Fleet Safety

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The principal aim of CLOCS is zero fatalities or serious injuries from construction related vehicle movements and a key part of achieving that aim is understanding the underlying causes for such incidents.

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An interview with CLOCS Ambassador Kate Cairns


Kate is a Chartered Civil Engineer, Chartered Environmentalist and a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE). She has driven change across the construction industry by instigating two world-first standards in sustainability (CEEQUAL) and in safety (CLOCS).

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New Delivery Partners join the CLOCS community


As the CLOCS community grows and develops, we value the input and engagement from organisations that offer products and services that support CLOCS Champions in their efforts to deliver safer, leaner and greener construction logistics

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Speedy Hire announce life-saving initiative

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Speedy Hire were recently thrilled to announce that they have launched a life-saving initiative which will see defibrillators (AEDs) be installed in its engineer vans across the country

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CLOCS Safety Forum #20 – Driving change

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The principal aim of CLOCS is zero fatalities or serious injuries from construction related vehicle movements and a key part of achieving that aim is understanding the underlying causes for such incidents

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FORS Conference welcomes largest ever delegation

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FORS – the Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme – recently welcomed its largest-ever delegation to the sixth FORS Annual Conference at…

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CLOCS welcomes new members to the SSGB

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The CLOCS Strategy, Standards and Governance Board (SSGB) is made up of representatives from CLOCS members with at least one…

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New Partner, Construction Clients’ Leadership Group


CLOCS was delighted to welcome the Construction Clients’ Leadership Group (CCLG) as a CLOCS Strategic Partner earlier this year

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CLOCS Safety Forum #19 – Let’s talk about speed

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For this Safety Forum, we were joined by Lucy Straker, Campaigns Manager for road safety charity Brake who provided an overview of the upcoming Road Safety Week and their Brake5 challenge, explaining how we can all get involved.

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Driving Excellence – The Case for a Driver Skills Card Scheme

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To understand why we need minimum competency standards, we only have to look at how organisations like CLOCS originated but also look at the incidents we continue to experience

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More Members and Partners join CLOCS

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With CLOCS Strategic Partnership and Delivery Partnership launched earlier this year, and with CLOCS Champion status proving to be more popular than ever, we are always keen to recognise new members of the CLOCS communit

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CLOCS Safety Forum #18 – Driver communication

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For operators, CLOCS requires that they demonstrate a level of performance in line with the requirements described under Silver in the FORS Standard and driver communication is a key element of that

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