
How to embed CLOCS into the planning process


We have updated our 'CLOCS Guide: How to embed CLOCS into the planning process to improve community safety'.   Excerpt…

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East West Rail Alliance reinvest in CLOCS


CLOCS recently featured in the East West Rail Alliance's 'Focus' newsletter, where EWR showcased their commitment to being a CLOCS…

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DIOHAS – Building designers take action on CLOCS

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Designers Initiative On Health And Safety (DIOHAS) have worked with CLOCS to produce a short CLOCS briefing for all its…

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Safety Moments – sharing lessons to help others

Companies that constructively learn from their collisions and share lessons have significantly fewer collisions and much lower insurance premiums. CLOCS…

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The FORS team raises over £2,000 for charity

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FORS – the voluntary accreditation scheme for any company operating commercial vehicles anywhere in the UK and overseas – is…

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Interactive dashboard on GB Road Safety stats

Over 5,500 Vulnerable Road Users were killed or injured in collisions with goods vehicles commonly used in construction in 2018…

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Together we can influence governments across UK


CLOCS is working with RoadPeace and some of the UK’s most important construction sector bodies to inform and compel the…

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Concucting safe gate checks during COVID-19


How deliveries are accepted onto site has changed since the outbreak of Covid-19. But how much and will things ever…

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Supporting social distancing and active travel

Extra vigilance is needed in construction logistics as traffic management measures are introduced across the UK to support social distancing…

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FORS on-site Bronze audits resumed

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FORS – the voluntary accreditation scheme for any company operating commercial vehicles anywhere in the UK and overseas – has…

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COVID brings new era for cycling and walking

In response to the pandemic, the Department for Transport's (DfT) fast-tracked statutory guidance tells local authorities in areas with high…

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How CLOCS supports safe working during COVID-19


The Construction Leadership Council (CLC) is a great source of support and advice. Their Site Operating Procedures are regularly updated…

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