
SSGB new member – Nigel Ponton


CLOCS is delighted to welcome Nigel Ponton, CEMEX UK Fleet Engineering Manager to the CLOCS Strategy, Standards and Governance Board (SSGB). Nigel brings a wealth of experience across the fleet industry and will prove a valuable asset to the SSGB.

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Safety Forum #25 Vehicle Safety Systems Installation

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In this session, we were joined by Jason McComb, CEO of CLOCS Strategic Partner The Association of Vehicle Installers, to discuss the importance of using a competent qualified installer for your vehicle safety systems and how to make sure that your system complies with the various Standards.

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CLOCS SSGB new member – Geraint Davies


CLOCS is delighted to welcome FORS Concession Director, Geraint Davies to the CLOCS Strategy, Standards and Governance Board (SSGB). Geraint brings a wealth of experience across the road haulage industry and will prove a valuable asset to the SSGB.

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Some new faces in the CLOCS SSGB


CLOCS is delighted to welcome four new members to the group – Geraint Davies from FORS, Jon Holder from Laing O’Rourke, Brian McBrearty from MCG Construction and Nigel Ponton from CEMEX.

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Safety Forum #24 Achieving Organisational Success


In this session, we were joined by DEKRA Business Development Director, Daryl Wake. Former non-commissioned officer in the Royal Australian Navy and long-time health and safety professional, Daryl has improved safety for companies around the world in some of the most high-risk industries and most challenging locations.

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Met Police boosts engagement with FORS


FORS, the Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme, has teamed up with the Metropolitan Police, so that officers from the force’s Commercial Vehicle Unit (CVU) can undertake FORS training as part of efforts to foster better relations with fleet operators.

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Safety Forum #23 FORS and decarbonisation

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CLOCS was created with a clear focus on improving safety standards, and while this remains at the core of CLOCS, it has broadened its remit over the years to look at how construction logistics can improve efficiencies, saving time and money, and also drive down emissions and improve air quality.

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Interested in joining the CLOCS Board?


We look to refresh the SSGB every year and are now inviting all members to consider whether they would be able and willing to make the commitment to join the SSGB in 2024, representing the wider CLOCS community and help shape the future direction of CLOCS.

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CLOCS Member Meeting (May 2024) review

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We were delighted to deliver our latest CLOCS Member Meeting on 16th May where we provided a brief update on progress against our aims and objectives, and also heard from several other organisations who support CLOCS in our drive for safer, leaner and greener construction logistics.

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Safety Forum #22 The Road to Zero Harm

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Whilst we focus much of our attention on how to avoid collisions with vulnerable road users, there are a number of suicides each year that we perhaps know less about, and therefore don’t understand the role we might play in avoiding such tragedies.

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Diabetes – Hiding in plain sight


With an increasing focus on driver road worthiness and the need to ensure those we put behind the wheels of the vehicles that service the construction industry are safe to drive, it is important that everyone has an understanding of diabetes.

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CLOCS branded products now available

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CLOCS is delighted to be able to offer CLOCS branded signage to members looking to use their vehicles to promote their association with CLOCS and their commitment to protecting vulnerable road users.

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