
CLOCS Regulator Working Group launched

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At the last CLOCS Working Group meeting, it was suggested that there could be some value in connecting the various…

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Road Safety Week 2022 – Safe roads for all


CLOCS is delighted to be supporting Road Safety Week on 14-20th November, the road safety campaign. The theme of Road Safety…

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CLOCS Safety Forum #12 – Driver competence

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Raising sector standards through driver competence As an industry looking to eradicate risk to vulnerable road users from construction-related vehicle…

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CLOCS Working Group meeting November 2022


The next CLOCS Working Group meeting is scheduled for 10 November 2022 so please hold the date now if you…

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Come and meet CLOCS at UK Construction Week


CLOCS are excited to announce we will be hosting a stand at UK Construction Week show at the Birmingham NEC…

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CLOCS Safety Forum #11 – Construction planning documents

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Construction planning documents – co-ordination, conflict, or confusion? The advent of construction logistics planning is a welcome development in worksite…

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CLOCS sponsors SECBE Awards


CLOCS sponsored the Modern Methods of Construction Category award and Zero-Carbon Social Housing Scheme, submitted by ZED PODS and Bromley…

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CLOCS Working Group Meeting – June 2022

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The latest CLOCS Working Group meeting was held on 28 June with an excellent turnout of regulators, clients, contractors and…

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CLOCS Safety Forum #10 – Vehicle safety equipment

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The aim of CLOCS is to ensure the safest vehicle journeys and this requires all stakeholders to work collaboratively to…

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CLOCS Safety Forum #9 – Vans, the forgotten fleet

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This safety forum in March 2022 looked at what all stakeholders should be considering within their own operations and also…

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CLOCS Safety Forum #8 – Safety at the site boundary

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The site boundary is the critical point where the fleet operator vehicles meet the contractor/client project, in an area controlled…

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CLOCS Safety Forum #7 – Site Access Traffic Marshals

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At the CLOCS Safety Forum #7 September 2021 – Site Access Traffic Marshals, we explored and discussed Site Access Traffic…

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