SRM win award for Outstanding CLOCS Champion

2 November 2020

The CLOCS team has been particularly aware of the incredible efforts and visible commitment Sir Robert McAlpine (SRM) has shown in driving up awareness and implementation of CLOCS through the company and across the UK.  So, at the last Working Group meeting, SRM was awarded ‘Outstanding CLOCS Champion’.

SRM has been recognised for their efforts over the last couple of years. Paul Smith, Logistics Manager, has been extraordinary in his willingness to share SRM’s experience and insights, to help major city authorities understand the importance of effective construction logistics and to help push forward successful CLOCS implementation across SRM. 

The organisation has embraced Construction Logistics Planning and Site Access Traffic Marshall training and most recently supported the CLOCS Works campaign, with a personal letter from Paul Hamer, Chief Executive to 100 local authorities.

'We are truly delighted that SRM has been recognised as an Outstanding CLOCS Champions. We, like you, understand the potential perils of construction traffic movements which is why we seek to lead from the front and be proactive to ensure that we can keep people safe by following sound and sensible procedures and protocols.'  Paul Hamer Chief Executive Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd

If every CLOCS Champion organisation was even half as proactive as SRM in targeting and inspiring construction clients, other major contractors and regulators, then together we would quickly achieve our mission to ensure the safest construction vehicle journey, improve the image of the sector, and increase the efficiency and profitability of construction processes too.

Are you an unsung hero?

We are certain we have many CLOCS Champions making huge efforts out there – but if you don’t tell us what you are doing, we can’t celebrate your success.

Email to tell us your story.