Some new faces in the CLOCS SSGB

25 July 2024

The CLOCS Strategy, Standards and Governance Board (SSGB) is made up of representatives from CLOCS members covering all of our stakeholder groups as well as CLOCS Delivery and Strategic Partners, ensuring a breadth of knowledge, expertise and experience to drive CLOCS forward.

The membership is refreshed each year with the longest standing members stepping down and new members being invited to take their places.

We are now delighted to welcome four new members to the group – Geraint Davies from FORS, Jon Holder from Laing O’Rourke, Brian McBrearty from MCG Construction and Nigel Ponton from CEMEX– and look forward to working with them alongside the existing members to drive CLOCS forward through 2024 and beyond.

We also pass on our thanks and appreciation to four members who will step down shortly after concluding their terms on the SSGB – Richard Banks from TfGM, Garry Lewis from GL Consulting, Nick Simmons from RoadPeace and current CLOCS Chair Gordon Sutherland from Thames Tideway. All have played a vital role in supporting the CLOCS team and the wider community through their commitment, knowledge and expertise.

With Gordon stepping down, we are delighted to confirm that Adrian Boughtflower, current Vice-Chair of the SSGB, has agreed to step up as Chair, and that Ruth Trant has agreed to step up as Vice-Chair. They both bring a huge amount of drive and passion for safer construction logistics and CLOCS.

As a reminder, the SSGB exists to:

  • Ensure CLOCS remains progressive but pragmatic in addressing the shared challenge and ambition of ensuring the safe and efficient movement of construction vehicles.
  • Inform, approve and review progress of CLOCS strategies, policies and activities to ensure they remain appropriate and adequate to achieve the CLOCS mission.
  • Be a credible and technically competent body to inform and approve significant changes to the CLOCS Standard and other CLOCS documents, and where necessary provide specific authoritative advice/clarifications to other members.
  • Maintain the integrity of the CLOCS programme, including adjudicating on an organisation’s CLOCS member status or arbitrate on any escalated complaints.

CLOCS relies on the members of the SSGB to drive us forward and we are incredibly lucky to have such a group of truly talented and committed individuals representing regulators, clients, principal contractors, site operators, fleet operators, delivery partners and strategic partners. This collaborative approach to addressing work-related road risk ensures everyone does their bit to create the right environment for the safest vehicle journeys. I look forward to working closely with the SSGB to deliver safer, leaner and greener construction logistics.

Andy Brooke, CLOCS Programme Director