Site Access Traffic Marshal training pack now available

6 September 2021

CLOCS has now developed its own standard Site Access Traffic Marshal (SATM) training pack to assist trainers in becoming approved to deliver formal traffic marshal training underpinned by the national CLOCS Standard.

This new CLOCS designed and branded SATM trainer pack is available to CLOCS Champions and will ensure consistency in the training delivery across the sector and provides a robust competency assessment to ensure everyone has sufficient skills and knowledge to undertake this important role.

Whether you are a training provider wanting to add CLOCS SATM to your course/training portfolio, or a contractor wanting to become approved to train individuals within your own organisation, get in touch now to ensure you are included in our first 'Train the Trainer' session in November.

We have a growing waiting list of prospective trainers so for more information on how you can become approved to deliver this training contact Samantha Carter at

NB. Attendance on a CLOCS one-day 'Train the Trainer' course to learn how to deliver the material is mandatory for anyone wishing to become an approved trainer of CLOCS SATM. 

Find out more about our training here