Safety Moments – sharing lessons to help others

1 August 2020

Companies that constructively learn from their collisions and share lessons have significantly fewer collisions and much lower insurance premiums. CLOCS is creating a safe platform for companies to share and discuss details of their collisions and near misses with other CLOCS Champions. 

Murphy Plant shared details of an incident at the CLOCS Working Group; here CEMEX shares insights from two different incidents so everyone can learn faster: 

All good construction clients, principal contractors and fleet operators routinely record and investigate injuries, collisions and ‘near miss’ incidents, whether it’s a slip/trip on site or on journeys to/from a site. 

The really good companies also have the culture to learn and implement lessons rather than blame or fire staff. And they have simple business systems to ensure the lessons are shared with all relevant staff, their supply chain and sometimes their customers and competitors through industry forums.

Learn about CEMEX's safety moments:

About 30 companies attended the CLOCS Working Group online meeting on 14th July to discuss the barriers and enablers within companies and across the CLOCS community to better learn lessons from candid, confidential and constructive discussions. 

Murphy Plant outlined a previous incident which could easily have injured vulnerable road users if it had happened 1 minute earlier. CEMEX have shared lessons on ‘Safety Alert Loose Wheels – CEMEX – Aug 2020.pdf’ [PDF] and a ‘runaway mixer truck’ [YouTube video].

Share your safety moments:

Whether you’re a client, contractor or fleet operator, all CLOCS Champions are asked to nominate 1 safety moment (that directly relates to CLOCS mission of ensuring the safest construction vehicle journey). CLOCS will review submissions to identify the most useful mix of lessons/insights for other CLOCS Champions. 

If willing, you may be asked to provide a 1 page written summary similar to CEMEX’s ‘loose wheel’ example, or share your insights in a ‘closed room’, confidential discussion with other CLOCS Champions. The vision is to create a library of lessons learned and a platform for Champions to help others learn lessons too. 

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