Safety Forum #25 Vehicle Safety Systems Installation

28 August 2024

In this session, we were joined by Jason McComb, CEO of The Association of Vehicle Installers, to discuss the importance of using a competent qualified installer for your vehicle safety systems and how to make sure that your system complies with all the Standards including CLOCS, the new FORS Silver V7 standard, and the new Progressive Safe System issued by Transport for London.

Jason introduced the AVI and the work they do across the UK to ensure safe and robust installation of all safety equipment.

He then took a close look at the various Standards including FORS and DVS/Progressive Safe System and discussed the specific requirements for each in terms of the required equipment. It was noted by all that the DVS star rating of a vehicle is not affected by any equipment subsequently fitted after the vehicle leaves the production line – the DVS star rating is established at point of production and additional safety equipment can be added to meet the PSS (Progressive Safe System) requirements.

Jason went on to spend some time looking at some of the consequences of poor installation and the impacts this can have, as well as dispelling some common myths he comes across.

A copy of Jason’s presentation can be found here.

Looking forward

Anyone keen to take a closer look at this subject or discuss how AVI might benefit their organisation should contact Jason directly. His contact details can be found on the final slide of his presentation.

And finally…

Our thanks to Jason for giving up his time to share his knowledge and insights on this subject with the CLOCS community, and thanks also those who attended sharing their own thoughts and experiences.

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