Safety Forum #24 Achieving Organisational Success

22 July 2024

In this session, we were joined by DEKRA Business Development Director, Daryl Wake.  Former non-commissioned officer in the Royal Australian Navy and long-time health and safety professional, Daryl has improved safety for companies around the world in some of the most high-risk industries and most challenging locations.

He is a safety specialist with the proven ability to analyse operations and processes, pinpoint areas for improvement, and reconfigure and implement plans and projects that deliver positive results.

In this presentation, Daryl explored DEKRA’s data-driven insights and foundational concepts that underpin organisational performance, beginning with a brief overview of DEKRA’s mission and expertise, followed by a discussion on the critical role of organisational culture in shaping safety outcomes. He then delved into how culture is influenced by leadership behaviour and, in turn, impacts data driven safety performance.

A key focus was also on the prevention of Serious Injuries and Fatalities (SIFs), highlighting the unique causes and correlates of SIFs compared to non-SIFs. By examining the SIF triangle, he illustrated the necessity of leadership engagement and the implementation of an SIF exposure metric. Through data-driven analysis and strategic leadership practices, DEKRA aim to provide actionable insights for cultivating a proactive safety culture within customer organisations.

A copy of Daryl’s presentation can be found here and a white paper detailing Dekra’s perspective on Serious Injury & Fatality (SIF) prevention can be accessed here.

Looking forward

Anyone keen to take a closer look at this subject or discuss how Dekra might benefit their organisation should contact Daryl directly. His contact details can be found on the final slide of his presentation.

And finally…

Our thanks to Daryl for giving up his time to share his knowledge and insights on this subject with the CLOCS community, and thanks also those who attended sharing their own thoughts and experiences.

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