Safety Forum #23 FORS and decarbonisation

20 June 2024

CLOCS was created with a clear focus on protecting vulnerable roads users and improving safety standards, and while this remains at the core of what CLOCS looks to achieve, it has broadened its remit over the years to look at how construction logistics can improve efficiencies, saving time and money, and also drive down emissions and improve air quality.

We were therefore delighted to deliver our latest CLOCS Safety Forum where FORS Concession Director, Geraint Davies, provided an overview of the steps FORS is taking to encourage and support fleet decarbonisation.

Climate change is the most pressing environmental challenge of our time and understanding the decarbonisation agenda is a must for anyone working in construction logistics in the 21st century, whether as a fleet operator, a contractor or client procuring fleet operations or a planning authority looking to drive down emissions and improve air quality.

This session covered the new requirements of the FORS Standard version 7 which provides a progressive framework to help operators on their road to net zero.  Key to this is providing managers with awareness, knowledge and skills through the FORS Practitioner programme.

Geraint also covered carbon calculations and how FORS is working with the government funded Zemo Partnership to ensure fleet operator carbon reports are consistent with the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol.

We are delighted to share a copy of the presentation that can be shared within your organisations to help educate and inform colleagues.

Geraint also highlighted the latest FORS training to help members – FP16 Introduction to fleet decarbonisation- which provides an overview of decarbonisation, an introduction to its jargon and outlines how to prepare for net zero.  Further details can be found here.

Looking forward

As Geraint highlighted, carbon reporting now sits alongside financial reporting for most organisation so it is vital that operators are ensuring their processes are robust, up-to-date and fir for purpose. Clients and contractors should be considering how they might use such data to make more informed procurement decisions to recognise and reward those operators taking the appropriate steps to reduce their environmental impact.

And finally…

Our thanks to Geraint Davies for giving up his time to share his knowledge and insights on this subject with the CLOCS community, and thanks also those who attended sharing their own thoughts and experiences.

CLOCS needs you

These Safety Forums are designed to support and inform CLOCS members so please do let us know if you have any suggestions for future topics or whether you, or someone you know, would want to come along to a future Forum and share their expertise on a particular topic.

If you can think of anything or anyone, please contact the team at