CLOCS Safety Forum #14 – DVSA Earned Recognition

8 March 2023

Ensuring construction-related vehicles are maintained, operated and driven in a safe manner at all times is a fundamental element of the CLOCS Standard.  Having appropriate high standards for vehicles, safety equipment, driver training and management is vital as we look to drive safer, leaner and greener construction logistics.

Phil Breen from DVSA Earned Recognition spoke to CLOCS delegates about the Earned Recognition scheme and how this helps regulators, clients, contractors and operators reduce the risk to vulnerable road users in our communities.

Phil started by looking at some of the work that DVSA does and talked through a variety of examples of non-compliant vehicles that the DVSA had come across in their work, and highlighted the risks presented and the impact on communities.

Phil then introduced DVSA Earned Recognition for vehicle operators explaining that it was developed to define what ‘good’ looks like and is a government backed scheme recognised and endorsed by the Traffic Commissioners.

He looked at the application criteria for being part of ER (though did clarify that discussions could be had if an operator didn’t quite meet all of the published criteria) and talked through the application review process.  He also talked through the Earned Recognition Audit process for HGVs.

Finally, Phil helped CLOCS Champions understand more about the commercial modules available covering contracts such as TfL, FORS, WRRR, HS2, DVS and more.  These additional modules can be selected based on business needs with details available on the DVSA website,

Phil explained that the DVSA-ER TfL Contractual Requirements module is not an equivalent to FORS Silver but can be seen as an alternative due to fundamental differences between how the 2 bodies operate.

If anyone wants to make contact with Phil directly his email is or the ER team can be contacted at

Looking forward

CLOCS looks for operators to be part of a recognised independent fleet accreditation scheme or have a suitable management system in place that addresses the issues of management, vehicles, drivers and operations, and in selecting their fleet accreditation, ensure all construction logistics vehicle operations meet the standards and requirements as described as Silver in the FORS Standard.

While FORS has historically been the default solution for demonstrating this level of performance, TfL have now recognised DVSA Earned Recognition and Mission Zero as alternative ways of demonstrating that these standards have been attained, giving fleet operators and specifiers/procurers more options.

DVSA-ER has produced some clear guidance on how it can be used to demonstrate compliance with the CLOCS Standard.

And finally…

Our thanks to Phil for giving up his time to share his vast knowledge and insights with the CLOCS community and also those who attended, sharing their own insights and experiences.  The voice of Champions is vital to the success of CLOCS so please contact the team if you have any queries, suggestions or concerns about any aspect of CLOCS.

CLOCS needs you…..
These Safety Forums are designed to support and inform Champions so please do let us know if you have any suggestions for future topics or whether you, or someone you know, would want to come along to a future Forum and share their expertise on a particular topic.

If you can think or anything or anyone, please contact Andy Brooke at