RTPI launches Practice Advice note for planners

28 March 2019

A Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) practice note giving advice to planners on how they can help reduce collisions involving vehicles on route to construction sites and vulnerable road users was launched at the CLOCS conference 2019.

‘Planning for Construction Safety’ stresses the importance and potential benefits of the Construction Logistics and Community Safety (CLOCS) ‘Standard’ – a common road safety framework for use by the construction industry which aims to make roads safer for cyclists, pedestrians and motorcyclists.

Speaking at the CLOCS Conference 2019, RTPI Chief Executive Victoria Hills said that the practice note would help planners across the UK mitigate the negative impacts that construction vehicles have not only on road safety, but also the local environment and congestion.

She said: “We’re really excited by the launch of this practice note which explains the CLOCS Standard and provides a roadmap for planners to implement it into their planning policy and permissions.

“The CLOCS Standard is the only one seriously addressing construction traffic safety in the UK at the moment. By making it a requirement of the planning process, mutual benefits can be created for all parties, including planners, developers and fleet operators, ensuring that construction-related vehicles operate in the safest way with minimal local impact.”

As well as detailed advice on how to specifically implement CLOCS into the planning process, the practice note also looks at the experiences of a number of planning authorities in London who have already implemented the standard.

About RTPI

The Royal Town Planning Institute has over 25,000 members in the private, public, academic and voluntary sectors. Using their expertise and research they bring evidence and thought leadership to shape planning policies.  They set the standards of planning education and professional behaviour that give their members, wherever they work in the world, a unique ability to meet complex economic, social and environmental challenges.  Practice Advice notes are researched and produced to support members with specific and contemporary issues to aid continual professional development.