Roadpeace call on the DoT to Champion CLOCS

31 July 2018

Following the launch of their ‘Lorry Danger Campaign’ in May 2018, Roadpeace has launched an online petition, calling on the Department for Transport to champion CLOCS and in turn ensure the safety of walkers, cyclists and motorcycle riders in all the construction projects they commission.

The Department for Transport is responsible for providing policy, guidance, and funding to local authorities to help them run and maintain their road networks, improve passenger and freight travel, develop new major transport schemes and to maintain high standards of safety in transport.

As of today, 600 construction firms and public bodies have signed up to the CLOCS scheme, including Camden London Borough Council, Network Rail, Thames Water and the Crown Estate. However, the figures indicate that this represents less than 1% of UK construction firms and doesn’t include the government. As local and central government is responsible for procuring 40% of all construction in the UK, their support of the scheme would significantly minimise lorry danger on UK roads.*

Nick Simmons, RoadPeace CEO, explained, “CLOCS Champions put safety first, and we want to see the government lead by example. How can it be the government, the very people in charge of making us safe, haven’t addressed the threat that lorries pose in their own construction projects?”

Victoria Lebrec, RoadPeace spokesperson and casualty of a construction lorry crash recently appeared on London Live and BBC Radio Humberside to talk about the petition and why the Department for Transport should sign up to CLOCS. Victoria commented, “in 2014 I was hit by a lorry whilst cycling in London and I lost my leg as a result of the injuries I suffered.  We want the industry and government to be proactive in their commitment to keeping the public safe. The lorry that hit me could easily have been en route to deliver materials to a government project. There are several Government projects to which these vehicles deliver on a daily basis. At present the Department for Transport doesn’t support the CLOCS scheme to reduce injuries and deaths, a large number of which are caused by construction vehicles on our roads. We want the government to sign up to CLOCS and demonstrate that they are committed to keeping people safe.”

You can support Roadpeace and the Lorry Danger Campaign by signing the online petition here. 

* Data from Government Construction Strategy 2011-2015