Revised CLOCS Standard to be published soon

3 September 2018

Revised CLOCS Standard to be published December 2018
The requirements of the CLOCS Standard are kept under review to ensure it is progressive and takes account of collective feedback, new research findings and emerging practice. The CLOCS team is currently working on the next revision together with a dedicated task group with representatives from all types of CLOCS Champion.  Big ticket changes being considered include:

Regulators/Planning Authorities: Current CLOCS’ strategy focuses on planning and procurement.  A new section will be created to describe how regulators and local authority champions can implement CLOCS by embedding requirements for CLOCS in policies and planning conditions, and to progress the adoption of Construction Logistics Plans (CLPs). 

Vehicle Requirements: The details of vehicle compliance will be removed from the CLOCS Standard and reference will be made to the FORS Silver Standard.  To comply with the CLOCS Standard, fleet operators will need to demonstrate that they meet all the requirements described in the FORS Silver Standard and provide independent accreditation that is acceptable to their client.

We will keep you updated as we progress with revisions.  CLOCS is an industry standard and your input is vital to ensure the CLOCS Standard meets the needs and aspirations of those who operate in construction. Please email your comments and suggestions to