Rethinking construction logistics can save you money

6 April 2021

TfL recently published a Freight Benefits Report reviewing and quantifying the operational, environmental and safety benefits of a range of innovative construction-related measures, including where appropriate details of real cost savings.

Several measures have been utilised such as the use of shared HGV holding facilities, local on-site crushing, recycling of demolition materials, sharing of materials between sites, the effective use of site marshals and the use of cargo bikes.

Over the past few years, the report’s author, Michael Barratt MBE has worked with several property developers across London to develop, pilot and implement a range of best-practice construction-related measures that can contribute to:

  • a reduction in the volume of freight HGV construction traffic on the road network
  • reduced freight km travelled
  • reduced emissions and improved air quality
  • improved safety around construction sites
  • a reduction in operator costs and benefits to the client/developer

Read the report here