Safety Forums

CLOCS Safety Forums provide a platform for individuals and organisations to educate and inform the CLOCS community on matters relevant to the construction logistics industry with the aim of helping organisations provide safer, leaner and greener construction vehicle journeys.

By working with those with relevant expertise, knowledge, experience and insights, we can provide information, share best practice and tackle shared challenges, helping everyone raise standards across their operations.

Held online, these sessions typically last an hour and will involve a presentation or two from subject matter experts followed by an informal Q&A session to allow members to really pick the brains of the experts.

CLOCS needs you…

These Safety Forums are designed to support and inform CLOCS members so please do get in touch if you have any suggestions for future topics or whether you, or someone you know, would want to come along to a future Forum and share their expertise on a particular topic.

If you can think or anything or anyone, please contact the CLOCS team at

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