Getting started

Many CLOCS members are on a journey to full compliance with the CLOCS Standard and we aim to provide useul information, resources, case studies and much more to support organisations with adoption and implementation of these requirements.

The starting point is to download and review the CLOCS Standard as this details the specific requirements for each stakeholder group. Many members belong to a single group while others may have multiple roles such as housebuilders who are both client and contractors, and local authorities who are regulators and clients, procuring their own construction activities.

The CLOCS Standard is maintained and updated by members of the CLOCS community and should reflect existing best practice across the construction industry so the requirements should not prove to be problematic for anyone.


The CLOCS website is a repository of valuable resources to assist with implementation of CLOCS, from processes and forms for gate checks, through to guides for planners and procurers.

To access these resources, simply access ‘resources’ from the main menu.

Construction logistics plans

For many, adopting construction logistics plans will have a hugely positive effect as these are the ‘golden thread’ that runs though the CLOCS Standard.

The CLOCS website has a section devoted to CLPs which includes an introduction, a page of useful resources and details of numerous planned measures which should be considered on every project to drive safer, leaner and greener construction logistics.


As well as providing a number of useful resources for construction logistics planning, CLOCS also delivers CLP training at three levels – Foundation, Practitioner and Advanced – and all members are eligible for one free place in each membership period, as well as discounts for additional places.

We would also recommend that principal contractors consider attending Site Access Traffic Marshal training as this provides the tools and knowledge to deliver robust CLOCS accredited SATM training with your own operation to those managing the site entrances on your own projects.


Regular monitoring of site and fleet operations against the CLOCS Standard is vital to ensure projects consistently meet the requirements and, where necessary, take action to address any identified shortfalls to prevent recurrence.

A self-assessment checklist is available for contractors to implement across their sites while formal independant third-party monitoring can be arranged through CLOCS Strategic Partner, the Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS), for a nominal fee to validate the site team’s self-assessed performance.

Promoting your membership

All new members are provided with the CLOCS logo and we would urge you to incorprate this onto your website and any other marketing materials to promote the commitment you have made to ensuring the safety of vulnerable road users.

You can show your clients, suppliers and the communities you work in that you are invested in preventing incidents involving construction vehicles resulting in serious injury and loss of life through association with a robust national standard and respected brand.

A number of CLOCS branded products are also available for member vehicles and projects. Click here to find out more.

Safety Forums

CLOCS Safety Forums provide a platform for individuals and organisations to educate and inform the CLOCS community on matters relevant to the construction logistics industry with the aim of helping organisations provide safer, leaner and greener construction vehicle journeys.

By working with those with relevant expertise, knowledge, experience and insights, we can provide information, share best practice and tackle shared challenges, helping everyone raise standards across their operations.

Held online, these sessions typically last an hour and will involve a presentation or two from subject matter experts followed by an informal Q&A session to allow members to really pick the brains of the experts.

Case studies

Take a look at case studies developed and submitted by members of the CLOCS community sharing experiences, insights and best practice from their own journey to full CLOCS compliance.

Be inspired by what others are doing, or contact us to share your own achievements to be included on this page.

Keep up to date on what we’re up to

Make sure you are subscribed to the CLOCS Bulletin newsletters to keep up to date with the latest news and developments.

If you haven’t done so already, make sure you follow us on LinkedIn and like, comment and repost where you see something that interests you. It’s a great way of keeping up to date with the latest news and developments, and also creating new connections from across the construction logistics industry.

You can also connect with the CLOCS teams through LinkedIn – please find us through the contact us page by clicking on the LinkedIn icons.