Procuring for CLOCSin Wales

31 October 2018

As major procurers of goods and services for maintenance and construction projects, both public and private sector client organisations are in a powerful position to bring about a step change in improving community safety.  As the CLOCS team increasingly focuses energy on engaging with regulators and major clients in key cities and regions to embed CLOCS in planning and procurement, the CLOCS standard will be recognised and implemented across the UK.

Procuring for CLOCS in Wales 

Targeting Wales, with two Working Groups held in Cardiff, the CLOCS team has succeeded in engaging with key influencers in the region.

CLOCS compliance is now required in two major Welsh construction frameworks:

  • SEWHF (South East Wales Highways Framework) – from Jan 2019
  • SEWSCAP (South and Mid Wales Collaborative Construction Framework) – from May 2019

You can see below how they have embedded CLOCS into their framework documents. The CLOCS team has been requested to be involved in client implementation meetings.

SEWHF requires

As part of Continuous Improvement, the Contractor will ensure that it works towards and will achieve the objectives and requirements of the following:

  • Welsh Language Acts
  • Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015
  • Procuring UK Steel (BES 6001)
  • Construction Logistics and Community Safety

Code of Practice:

  • Ethical Employment in Supply Chains;
  • Blacklisting Regulations 2010;
  • Modern Slavery Act 2015
  • Unfair use of umbrella schemes and zero hours contracts; and
  • Become a Living Wage Contractor.

 SEWSCAP requires

The Contractor, in performing any works and/or services under this Agreement or any Call-Off Contract, will adopt, comply and ensure that its Supply Chain Members adopt and comply with the Construction Logistics and Community Safety Standard for Construction Logistics (Managing work-related road risk) published here as it may from time to time be amended, consolidated, modified, extended, re‑published or replaced.

The CLOCS Guide: Incorporating CLOCS in client procurement provides a structured summary of the actions clients should take through their procurement to ensure that their contractors provide safe and efficient site operations within the hoardings and their supply chain operates safe and efficient vehicles, drivers and fleet management when services a site.  It also provides suggestions regarding updating the objectives, goals and guiding principles of an organisation’s procurement strategy.