Construction Logistics Plans

CLPs – the golden thread that runs through the CLOCS Standard.

A Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) is an important management tool for planners, developers and construction contractors. The CLP focuses specifically on construction supply chains and how their impact on the road network can be reduced. The construction supply chain covers all movements of goods, waste and servicing activity to and from site.

A CLP provides the framework for understanding and managing construction vehicle activity into and out of a proposed development, encouraging modal shift and reducing overall vehicle numbers. A full assessment of all phases of construction should be included and detail:

  • The amount of construction traffic generated
  • The routes the construction vehicles will use
  • The impact on relevant Community Considerations*
  • Any traffic management that will be in place
  • Any policies which encourage modal shift

Why do CLPs

The construction phase of a development will have environmental, safety and congestion impact on the road network and the surrounding community. The impacts can vary depending on the size, timescale and location of the development. For larger developments that may take many years to construct, the construction phase can have a greater impact than the operational phase.

Well-planned CLPs reduce:

  • Environmental impact: lower vehicle emissions and noise levels
  • Road risk: improving the safety of road users
  • Congestion: reduced vehicle trips, particularly in peak periods
  • Cost: efficient working practices and reduced deliveries

Roles and responsibilities 

for writing, implementing, and monitoring adherence

Local Planning Authorities (LPA) are responsible for reviewing and approving the Outline and the Detailed CLP. LPAs are also responsible for ensuring construction is carried out according to the terms of the CLP. They will respond to complaints raised by the community and follow them up with the developer.

Clients / Developers hold overall responsibility for the management of the development. They are responsible for agreeing the terms of the CLP and ensuring that their contractors conform with the agreed measures.

Planning specialists typically write the Outline CLP for planning approval. They are responsible for working with the client/developer and local authority planners to help define which planned measures can be agreed at the planning stage.

Principal contractors typically write the Detailed CLPs which reflect the actual plans for the construction of the site. Principal Contractors are responsible for the day-to-day management of the construction site. They are responsible for ensuring that the CLP and the agreed Planned Measures are implemented on the site.

Training, Guidance and Tools

CLOCS has developed Training, guidance, and templates to facilitate consistent Construction Logistics Planning. 

CLP training - find out more about the 3-part training programme delivered by CLOCS.


Guidance and Tools


Before opening this tool, you must open Excel, go to File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Options/Settings > Macro settings and select ‘Enable all macros (not recommended; potentially dangerous code can run)' then click ok. Note that you should reverse these settings and disable macros once this exercise is completed.





This Outline CLP complete example adheres to a previous template. To be updated soon.

* Community Considerations address the impact on the surrounding community, especially when residential areas and/or facilities like schools, hospitals, health centres, community centres, sports facilities, transport hubs and Cycle Super Highways are located near the work site.

Last updated: March 2021.