Site Access Traffic Marshal Training

Site Access Traffic Marshals (SATM) are an important part of safe and effective construction site operations. CLOCS offers SATM training to help ensure the safest construction vehicle journeys in and out of sites – a critical part of the CLOCS Standard. 

Site Access Traffic Marshals

Site Access Traffic Marshals (SATMs) stationed at the site entrance are the primary and critical interface between the site, fleet operations and the public. They ensure only authorised vehicles and people enter the site, while also ensuring vehicles entering and leaving the site do so safely and efficiently. 

SATMs are critical to the implementation of the CLOCS Standard. Competent SATMs are recognised by progressive contractors as essential members of the team as they improve site efficiency and productivity. CLOCS SATMs are equipped with specific skills, attitudes, and have the confidence to effectively implement CLOCS at the gate. 

Most sites also have Banksmen who guide vehicles within the site hoardings – these are distinct roles and cannot be done concurrently by the same person though often personnel are rotated between roles 

You may be a principal contractor wanting to become approved to train individuals within your own organisation and on your own projects, or you could be a training provider wanting to add CLOCS SATM to your training portfolio. Either way, the CLOCS SATM trainer pack will ensure consistency in the training delivery across the sector and provides a robust competency assessment to ensure everyone has sufficient skills and knowledge to undertake this important role.  

A licence to deliver CLOCS SATM training is only available to CLOCS members demonstrating a commitment to working collaboratively with all stakeholders to address the issue of improving road safety standards. 


  • Access to the CLOCS SATM training requires an initial fee of £1,225+VAT which provides an annual licence to use the various training materials and deliver the training.  It also provides one free place on a Train the Trainer course (please note attendance on this course is mandatory before the training can be delivered). 
  • Additional places on the training can be arranged for £485+VAT per person.
  • The initial licences expires after 12 months and an annual renewal fee of £735+VAT is applicable, 

    which includes a free place onto one of our SATM courses to act as a refresher for those involved with training. 

  • All fees must be received in full at least 14 days in advance of the training date. 

  • The licence is non-transferable and cannot be sub-contracted, sub-let or sold by any approved trainer or organisation. 

Maintaining quality standards 

  • Training delivery partners are expected to have a formal Quality Management System (QMS) to ensure that suitably high standards of training are delivered in a consistent manner in line with the content and standards delivered in the CLOCS Train the Trainer workshop. 
  • Approved CLOCS training partners should have a formal delegate feedback process in place and be prepared to share feedback with CLOCS. 
  • CLOCS must be informed of all delegates who pass the competency assessment, and their details will be recorded on the SATM register on the CLOCS website. 
  • The SATM competency confirmation is valid for 3 years after which delegates will need to be retrained or their licences will expire and they will be removed from the online register. 

Securing additional trainers 

  • Should any licenced training provider wish to train others within their company to deliver this training, those individuals must either attend a CLOCS Train the Trainer event themselves or be trained by someone who has previously attended the Train the Trainer event. Once trained CLOCS must be notified so that our register can be updated and a certificate is issued. 

Training dates: 

  • 3rd October 2024 - London 
  • Early 2025 - Manchester
  • To book a place on this training and attain a licence to deliver the CLOCS SATM Training, please complete the booking form below.  To register your interest for future events, please email

Accredited training providers 

The following organisations are licenced to deliver CLOCS accredited SATM training and are happy to be contacted directly with any queries about training availability. 

Contact Glen Davies
National Demolition Training Group
CTA Techno
Contact Ranjit Singh 
DGP Logistics
Contact Ruth Trant
Knight Build Ltd
Contact Dominick Gallagher

For further details of the terms and conditions of accessing and using the CLOCS SATM training, please read our terms and conditions on the CLOCS website.