CLOCS can be implemented on a project by project basis and CLOCS Champions have made a corporate commitment to work towards wider implementation across their business through their Implementation Communication Plans.
Implementation Communication Plans (ICPs)
ICPs are a mechanism to capture CLOCS Champions’ corporate intent for implementation of the CLOCS Standard and communication of priorities internally across their organisation and externally within their sphere of influence. Not every CLOCS Champion is 100% compliant at the point of becoming a member but they do have to commit to implementation in at least 20% of their operations and provide an acceptable ICP for approval by the CLOCS team.
The ICP requires Champions to set out approximate numbers and locations of their sites/vehicle depots/fleet to indicate the scale of their operations across the UK. Champions provide headline targets for implementation in terms of scope and timescale.
For example, a principal contractor might have 5 construction sites in Birmingham, 5 in Manchester and 10 in Berkshire. At least (20%) 4 of those sites will be implementing CLOCS with intent to book site monitoring visits on each of these sites. The plan may forecast that within 12 months 50% (10) of sites will be CLOCS compliant with CLOCS site monitoring visits reports for 20% (4) sites.
A fleet operator may not have yet achieved compliance across their whole fleet but will have at least 20% of their vehicles/depots/drivers operating at the CLOCS Standard. They will be able to service a contract requiring CLOCS compliance and will be working towards extending compliance across their entire fleet.
Their ICP will state the current proportion of fleet compliance from the outset and set targets for wider organisational accreditation. For example, they have 4 depots, - 1 depot currently holding FORS silver with 3 at FORS Bronze. Within 12 months 3 depots will reach the standard as described as FORS Silver and within 2 years all 4 depots will be CLOCS complaint.
FORS accreditation is the simplest way for companies to demonstrate they are compliant with the CLOCS Standard. FORS allows organisations to define the scope of the accreditation. For example, for the purposes of CLOCS an operator could define the scope of an individual depot’s operations to HGVs over 3.5 Tonnes. This accreditation can then be recognised as a ‘sub ID’ within the main company ID. This ‘sub ID’ can then progress from Bronze to Silver without the need or encumbrance for the whole company to progress. The sub ID must operate within the rules of its accreditation, whilst the other operations do not impact on its status. This allows for an element of the business to be CLOCS compliant to service a particular contract or customer without the need for the whole business to become compliant overnight.
All CLOCS Champions can benefit from promoting their involvement with and commitment to CLOCS. They can show their clients, suppliers and community that they are wholeheartedly invested in preventing incidents involving construction vehicles resulting in serious injury and loss of life through association with a robust standard and respected brand.
Importantly, CLOCS Champions have a duty to spread the word about the importance of CLOCS and encourage others to adopt the Standard. It is important for the team to understand which areas of our target market are being covered by our community so that we can identify where we most need to dedicate resource to stimulate action. As a Communicator you will be asked to record in your ICP how you intend to promote CLOCS through your own marketing.
ICPs must be updated at least once a year and CLOCS Champion membership offers annual ICP review calls to identify areas for additional support and guidance.
There are a number of elements that support implementation:
- Construction Logistic Plans
- Site monitoring visits
- Site access traffic marshals
- Exchanging Places
- Schools engagement
- Fleet Operators Recognition Scheme (FORS)
- Site suitability for safer vehicles
Supplementary guidance has been developed to complement the CLOCS Standard to provide further information and support with implementation. A full list of guides, toolkits and handbooks can be found in ‘Resources’.