‘One Best Way’ updated guidance from Landsec

29 April 2019

As a client and CLOCS Champion, Land Securities (Landsec) is committed to ensuring the safest construction vehicle journeys to reduce collisions, emissions, congestion and reputational damage not just in and around London but across all our UK development. It has updated its LandSec – Health and Safety Standard No 07 Traffic risks and protecting vulnerable road users V4.pdf and encourages all clients to review, adopt/adapt to use in their own guidance. Landsec is doing this by:

  • Striving for all our Stakeholders to comply with the national CLOCS Standard. If there are any concerns with the implementation of CLOCS, please contact the HS&S team to discuss.
  • Ensure the project team develops and implements a suitable and sufficient Construction Logistics Plan (CLP)
  • Comply with HSG 144 Safe Use of Vehicles on Constructions Sites
  • Ensure effective monitoring of compliance to the CLOCS Standard
  • Obtain and monitor the contractor’s action plan to address all identified issues and non-compliances
  • Ensure all collisions resulting in harm (and near miss incidents) that occur on journeys associated with the project are quickly investigated and actions taken to prevent recurrence
  • All our Stakeholders demonstrating their desire and commitment for fleet operators to achieve Gold FORS standard during the duration of the project

For more information, please contact Olivia Lynch, Health, Safety & Security Manager on Olivia.Lynch@landsec.com or 020 7932 2589.

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