Notifying FORS of non-conformance with Standard

12 July 2021

CLOCS Champions who specify FORS are encouraged to report to the FORS Compliance team any non-conformities to the FORS Standard they are aware of during their day-to-day operations.

Non-conformities include:

  • Contractors displaying a higher level of accreditation (accreditation level and status can be checked on the Who’s on Board page of the FORS website)
  • Drivers not meeting the mandatory FORS professional development requirements, as listed at Annex 1 of the FORS Standard, such as eLearning at Bronze or work-related road risk (WRRR) training at Silver (bearing in mind the current temporary relaxation in place for meeting WRRR S5)
  • Vehicle safety equipment not fitted or non-operational

Where possible, reports should include the following information:

  • Company name
  • Vehicle registration number
  • Location
  • Date/time
  • Details of non-conformity
  • Please email this information to the FORS Compliance team at

Please be aware that the FORS Compliance team will investigate all alleged incidents directly with the company, and, dependent on the resulting communications, may impose sanctions in line with the FORS Compliance and Enforcement Guide.

Free support material designed to better understand and manage the fleet operations servicing sites is available to FORS Champions. You can sign up for free to be a FORS Champion by registering here, or you can email if you have any queries. FORS Champions are organisations specifying FORS accreditation in their supply chain.