Updates from FORS

4 May 2021

Bronze on-site audits

In line with the current UK government roadmap, FORS intends to re-introduce the option to request a Bronze on-site audit from Monday 17 May 2021. This will be offered alongside the current option to request a remote audit which will remain available for the time being. 

FORS mixed accreditation

FORS launched a new type of accreditation on Friday 23 April 2021. Mixed accreditation has been introduced to support operators wishing to progress within FORS but who need more time to accredit their entire fleet at the higher level of accreditation. Further information is available in the FORS eNews article, including a link to the FORS Rules and Procedures which have been updated to support this new type of accreditation.

For more information about FORS, including how to join, click here