Birmingham, Cardiff, Leeds and Liverpool: CLOCS Champions inspiring others at city events in March
30 Jan 2020
CLOCS will be launching in Birmingham, Cardiff, Leeds and Liverpool throughout March 2020 as part of the CLOCS strategy to drive positive action and profile good CLOCS Champions across the UK.
CLOCS in Greater Manchester was launched in October 2019 to drive awareness and adoption across all 10 local authority areas and beyond, with presentations from CLOCS Champions including TfGM, City of London, RTPI, University of Manchester, Willmott Dixon, and Murphy Group.
More CLOCS champions will be sharing their knowledge, good practice and business benefits at events in early/mid-March in Birmingham, Cardiff, Leeds and Liverpool. Each event will hear from a progressive regulator (planning or transport authority), construction client, principal contractor and fleet operator who have already implemented CLOCS in their business and are keen to inform and inspire many other organisations to follow their leadership.
**** Please note, this event has changed to a webinar (as of 6 March 2020). It was originally 3 events held in Birmingham, Cardiff and Liverpool but due to safety and practical issues regarding Coronavirus, CLOCS was advised to cancel and amend to a webinar format. We are sorry for any inconvenience this causes. ****
>>> Dates and locations for the webinars can be found here <<<
Let's launch this together
Every CLOCS Champion is urged to invite at least two people to one or more of these planned events, so they can hear from those already successfully implementing CLOCS. Champions are encouraged to accompany their invitees, which will demonstrate the Champion’s commitment to the collective effort for everyone’s benefit. Dates, locations and a template invite will be published soon on the CLOCS website for Champions to issue to their clients (and even competitors!).
Further similar events are proposed for June/July in other major UK towns and cities (scroll down to see list). Every CLOCS Champion is invited to step forward to share their experiences and successes at these future events.
Sponsorship opportunities for these events: contact for more details.
CLOCS Champions: your priority town/city
CLOCS is also forming small teams of CLOCS Champions to best identify and target key decision-makers in those towns/cities.
Champions are asked to identify those locations which have the greatest commercial interest and/or where they believe they can have the greatest effect in driving positive change. As soon as a critical mass of Champions is reached in a location, they’ll be brought together by the CLOCS team to agree an action plan.
Please contact with details of your priority town/city and the name of the person in your organisation who will be part of that CLOCS town/city team.
CLOCS priority towns/cities:
- Birmingham
- Brighton
- Bristol
- Cambridge
- Cardiff
- Edinburgh
- Glasgow
- Leeds
- Liverpool
- Manchester
- Newcastle-upon-Tyne
- Norwich
- Nottingham
- Reading
- Southampton
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