Gate checks: what do you do with a non-compliant vehicle?

30 Jan 2019

We have had a number of conversations with champions about how to deal with non-compliant vehicles when they arrive at their gate.  A pragmatic approach is required to minimise the risk of further journeys by non-compliant vehicles on the road.  Here are a few steps to consider.

1. Suppliers informed that they are servicing a CLOCS site

Contracts clearly articulate the need for compliance against the CLOCS Standard.  Some clients may stipulate the requirement for FORS accreditation.

2. Desk check 

Check that the supplier has the required accreditation or evidence that the vehicles meet the standard as described as FORS Silver.

3. Delivery Management System 

Check that the vehicle that arrives is the vehicle booked in.

4. Gate check 

 Compliance check undertaken

  • Non-conformance notification issued to driver
  • Make contact with supplier and agree remedial action
  • Take appropriate commercial action

Refusing access to non-compliant vehicles is an action of 'last resort'.  You can find some useful information and templates in the CLOCS Compliance toolkit.