New Year resolutions: no more close passing

7 January 2019

Most people don’t deliberately set out to intimidate another road user when driving but unless you cycle, you’re unlikely to realise how dangerous close passing can be.

Cycling UK has raised over £17,000 to fund Virtual Reality (VR) headsets for use by the police and 11 forces are poised to use theirs this New Year. Officers involved in close pass operations will now be able to carry out road side education of drivers using a ‘close pass’ film produced by Cycling UK. The educational film allows drivers to experience what it feels like to be closely passed by a car from a cyclist’s perspective. It then explains how to overtake cyclists safely.

Watch the film:

Cycling UK has been campaigning for changes to Highway Code rules for many years. In October, the Government said that it would make changes to highlight the danger of motorists overtaking cyclists too closely.

Make a New Year resolution to give cyclists much more room when overtaking.

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