More Members and Partners join CLOCS

20 September 2023

With CLOCS Strategic Partnership and Delivery Partnership launched earlier this year, and with CLOCS Champion status proving to be more popular than ever, we are always keen to recognise new members of the CLOCS community.

We are delighted to have welcomed 8 new Strategic Partners to the CLOCS community since our last edition of the CLOCS Bulletin.  They are:

  • Association for Project Safety (APS)
  • Association of Vehicle Installers (AVI)
  • Construction Clients’ Leadership Group (CCLG)
  • Construction Industry Publications (CIP)
  • Cycling UK
  • Lighthouse Club
  • Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP)
  • TRL

The full list of Strategic Partners can be found here.

We are also delighted to have Crate join CLOCS as a brand new Delivery Partner. The full list of Delivery Partners can be found here.

Finally, we have 14 new Champions who have signed up in the last couple of months.

  • Select Plant Hire
  • Stanhope Plc
  • Landmark Build Ltd
  • Thermal Road Repairs Limited
  • RecMat Ltd
  • Ambit Moat
  • Langstone Construction Group Ltd
  • Greenmount Projects Limited
  • Harris and Bailey
  • R&M Williams (Holdings) Limited
  • Bouygues UK
  • BNM Builders Ltd
  • Aurora Energy Services
  • High Speed Two (HS2) Limited

The CLOCS Directory can be found here.

Welcome to everyone and thanks for your commitment to safer, leaner and greener construction logistics.

 We look forward to working together with all CLOCS members in the future!