CLOCS site monitoring self-assessment tool

2 December 2019

The CLOCS Standard requires effective monitoring of implementation on construction sites.  To assist with compliance, a formal CLOCS monitoring approach has been developed by the Considerate Constructors Scheme as partners in the CLOCS secretariat and administration group; a consortium of organisations who administer and monitor performance against the CLOCS Standard.

As well as looking to establish whether the Standard is being met, the assessment and monitoring process aims to recognise best practice and raise standards across the industry. The CLOCS site monitoring team provides a detailed report containing helpful advice on areas for improvement and provides scores in 11 key areas. Overall scores and reports can be used as:

  • evidence of compliance to your clients
  • a benchmark for future employers/clients
  • internal performance monitoring

Importantly effective monitoring will identify areas of underachievement that can be quickly addressed.

There are 3 mechanisms available to support effective site monitoring:

1.  A formal site monitoring visit* by the CLOCS team, together with submission of ‘self-assessment’ form. This provides:

  • a site score, and
  • a detailed report capturing good practice and recommendations for improvement.

Remember:  CLOCS Champions are required to have at least 20% of sites assessed by the CLOCS site monitoring team. Formal site monitoring reports and scores can be used to evidence that this requirement is being met.

2.  An advisory site monitoring visit* by the CLOCS team + self-assessment checklist: this provides:

  • a detailed report capturing good practice and recommendations for improvement.

NB: An advisory site monitoring visit does not contribute to the 20% requirement for sites to be formally monitored.

3.  Self-assessment checklist

The self-assessment checklist reflects the requirements of the CLOCS Standard, as they apply to the site. The questions look to establish compliance and capture performance beyond minimum requirements. This checklist helps principal contractors to understand their level of compliance.

  • the checklist must be completed and submitted to the CLOCS team in advance of a CLOCS site monitoring visit. A form will be issued when you book your visit.
  • can be used as evidence for the CLOCS team that an organisation is working towards corporate compliance