National Road Safety Week – Knight Build Ltd

3 December 2018

To promote National Road Safety week, CLOCS offered free banners and posters in last month’s bulletin.  Here is a story from CLOCS Champion, Knight Build of how they are helping to promote CLOCS.

National Road Safety week arrived with dark mornings and afternoons and very little in the way of full sunlight in between. As part of National Road Safety week, we have been reminding our drivers here at Integral Building Services and Integral Build of the importance of ensuring that their vehicles are fully ready for the weather on a daily basis.

One of the biggest every day driving issues in the winter is visibility, so we’ve reminded everyone of the importance of keeping their washer bottles topped up, and their headlights and tail lights clean so that they shine as brightly as possible, enabling their vehicles to be seen from a distance and not just when up close. To assist our drivers in achieving good all-round visibility, we have issued them with a winter driving pack containing an ice scraper, a can of de-icer and some micro fibre cloths so that the tools are at their disposal at all times.

Our monthly newsletter regularly reminds all our staff of our commitment to uphold the CLOCS Standard, ensuring that all our sites, drivers and journeys to and from work are mindful of our focus on keeping everyone safe.

We at Knight Build Ltd are a leading CLOCS champion and promote CLOCS and road safety on all of our projects. The new CLOCS banners and posters are great for letting the community know about our commitment to keeping them safe and reminds them to also take extra time and care to look out for HGVs

Communication is key, so KBL have also developed a vehicle check list to ensure compliance and to remind delivery vehicles of the CLOCS requirements.  We also display a logistics information board on all our projects which contains our anti-idling policy as well as site rules which drivers must adhere to.

Every vehicle which visits our site is checked and those found to be non-compliant are reprimanded and given a warning and removed from our sites. Any delivery vehicles in breach of the CLOCS requirements following an official warning are then removed from our supply chain if we feel that suitable improvements have not been made.

Road Safety is paramount to us and we are also a FORS Gold accredited company. Our promotion of CLOCS has also been recognised by the Considerate Constructors Scheme and has contributed to awards we recently won on the 16th Nov 2018 at the CCS Awards where we received a National Company Gold Award 2018 as well as receiving the accolade of Most Considerate Constructor Runner 2018.

Dominick Gallagher, Health,Safety,Environmental & Quality Manager – Knightbuild