More clients on board – Imperial College London

4 June 2021

CLOCS continues to grow its support with clients around the UK. The latest Champion on board is Imperial College London. 

They are investing in the safety of their community. CLOCS will help them to eliminate the risk associated with construction vehicle activity and the threat to vulnerable road users that their development creates.

“Imperial College London is committed to reducing risks associated with its construction activity.

As a CLOCS Champion, we intend to use our influence with our supply chain, to improve the management of our deliveries. We will also work closely with the local authorities and the local community and do whatever we can to reduce the levels of fatalities and serious injuries to vulnerable road users.

And in association with CLOCS and our supply team partners, the implementation of our agreed project plans will provide us with a road map for practical actions that address, not only life-changing road-related incidents but the impact on our community from the pollution caused by vehicle emissions.

As active members of the community where our construction activities take place, Imperial College London recognises the role that it can play as a CLOCS Champion, to influence the changes necessary across the industry, that improve our performance on both these issues”

Nick Roalfe, Director of Estates Operations

The CLOCS Standard is there to make construction vehicle journeys safer and smarter. We encourage all clients to commit to the requirements below.

Clients shall:

  • specify in tender and contract documents for all stakeholders to comply to the CLOCS Standard
  • ensure the project team develops and implements a suitable and sufficient CLP (Construction Logistics Plan)
  • ensure effective monitoring of compliance to the CLOCS Standard
  • obtain and monitor the contractor’s action plan to address all identified issues and non-compliances
  • ensure that all collisions that result in harm (and near-miss incidents) that occur on journeys associated with the project are quickly investigated and actions taken to prevent recurrence

Find out more here.

Contact us to see how you can benefit from supporting CLOCS by emailing or calling 0118 9207 200