CLOCS Memorandum of Understanding

The national CLOCS Standard aims to eliminate the risk of heavy goods vehicles servicing the construction sector harming people. Its primary goals include zero collisions, fewer journeys, improving air quality and managing reputational risk. It is a voluntary standard that promotes good practice beyond basic legal compliance. It provides a framework with clear roles and responsibilities to protect the wider community, the supply chain and employees.

The CLOCS programme represents a united response to improving road safety across the industry and greater social responsibility that aims to save lives and reduce the negative impact of construction traffic. Importantly, CLOCS is built on collaborative action between key stakeholders to achieve a shared vision.

Parties to this agreement

CLOCS Champions invest in the programme and are responsible for implementing and ensuring compliance with the requirements within the CLOCS Standard. Representative of the whole supply chain they include:

  • Regulators and planning authorities – organisations responsible for setting policies and planning conditions.
  • Clients and developers – organisations that procure the construction or operation of a site which requires commercial vehicle journeys; will typically employ a principal contractor to manage site operations.
  • Principal contractors – organisations responsible for all site operations; will typically employ specialist sub-contractors that use commercial vehicles.
  • Site operators – appointed and/or managed by the principal contractor and contracted duties may include responsibility for the day-to-day operational delivery of many of the site logistical arrangements during construction of the project.
  • Fleet operators – organisations that operate one or more commercial vehicle(s) to deliver procured services.

CLOCS Delivery Partners offer products and services that support our Champions in their efforts to deliver safer, leaner and greener construction logistics.

CLOCS Strategic Partners are organisations, trade associations, industry bodies, professional institutions, lobby groups or charities with aligned aims and objectives and who are working to raise standards in protecting vulnerable road users.

CLOCS Members include Champions, Delivery Partners and Strategic Partners.

The CLOCS Strategy Standards and Governance Board (SSGB) is responsible for final decisions in relation to the programme and for agreeing priorities. It provides support and direction for the programme to ensure it achieves its objectives.

The CLOCS Secretariat is responsible for maintenance and development of the CLOCS Standard and promoting industry awareness. Their role is also to support CLOCS Champions to achieve the goals of their implementation plans.

Memorandum of Understanding

This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is between Construction Logistics and Community Safety (CLOCS) and those organisations that become CLOCS Members.

The purpose of this MoU is to demonstrate a commitment to support, implement and adhere to the requirements of the CLOCS Standard. It does not create any legally binding obligations for either party but is a statement of each party’s intentions and commitment to help improve road safety.

The CLOCS Secretariat and CLOCS Members agree to work together to:

  • provide information to support the monitoring, evaluation and implementation of the CLOCS Standard and supplementary guidance. This may include submission of information, participation in meetings and other contributions to works in progress
  • inform the future development of the CLOCS Standard and supplementary guidance through CLOCS member meetings and stakeholder working groups
  • identify opportunities for collaborative marketing to promote each other’s activities and initiatives such as newsletters, campaigns, events, etc.
  • create content and develop messages to promote the objectives and aims of CLOCS across the industry at meetings, conferences, events, in the press and other internal and external media
  • collaborate to develop new resources and share new and existing research that supports and underpins the CLOCS Standard, or informs further development, including additions or where a change of direction is required

The CLOCS Secretariat will:

  • provide CLOCS Members with information on the progress of the CLOCS programme, and future trends and/or policy developments likely to impact on the business performance of the CLOCS Members in the context of the CLOCS programme
  • provide a forum to drive the ongoing development of the CLOCS Standard and other work-related road risk issues
  • consult with CLOCS Members before implementing changes to the CLOCS Standard
  • make sure future policy developments add value to CLOCS Members. As long as access to the CLOCS Standard is open to all, then the requirement to implement the CLOCS Standard should be as far-reaching as possible so that those organisations that have made the necessary commitments and investment see some benefit from it
  • develop information and guidance to support implementation and mechanisms to enable CLOCS Members to demonstrate compliance
  • publicise the CLOCS Member’s commitment to CLOCS, issue an appropriate CLOCS logo for use on all marketing material and other company material and issue an appropriate CLOCS Member certificate
  • identify opportunities to promote a CLOCS Member’s activities, products and/or services to other CLOCS Members though the CLOCS Bulletin, the online CLOCS Safety Forums, CLOCS meetings and events, and potential sponsorship opportunities
  • reserve the right to withdraw CLOCS Member status if it is felt that the activities, behaviours, products or services are no longer relevant to or aligned with CLOCS or if the CLOCS Member logo and/or branding is misused or mispresents the association in any way

All CLOCS Members will:

  • operate in a way that is consistent with the CLOCS aims and objectives and not present a reputational risk to CLOCS or other CLOCS Members
  • be able to demonstrate that they support the aims and objectives of CLOCS to reduce collisions, improve safety standards, create efficiencies or reduce emissions
  • nominate a dedicated ‘lead contact’ who will be responsible for managing the organisation’s relationship with the CLOCS secretariat and communicating CLOCS requirements, updates and news across their organisations as necessary
  • maintain an account on the online CLOCS Portal to provide up-to-date organisation details including a company biography and logo
  • use the appropriate CLOCS branding to promote their CLOCS Member status
  • ensure any applicable membership renewal fees are paid promptly before the noted expiry date

CLOCS Champions will:

  • complete an annual CLOCS Implementation Review of progress against CLOCS requirements within 4 weeks of initial registration and annually thereafter
  • commit to having at least 20% of their sites and/or fleet operating centres compliant to the CLOCS Standard and have a clear plan to get the majority of its activities compliant within two years
  • provide information to support the monitoring and evaluation of compliance with the CLOCS Standard including, if requested, a certificate or report from a third-party independent assessor to demonstrate compliance
  • engage in an annual review conversation with the CLOCS Secretariat to discuss progress towards 100% compliance and identify key successes and challenges in order to help inform the development of new CLOCS guidance
  • be entitled to use CLOCS branding in promoting their commitment to and use of the CLOCS Standard, for example on site posters and hoardings and on construction vehicles in line with the brand guidelines
  • promote and encourage wider awareness and implementation of the CLOCS Standard across their supply chain, within sector groups, trade associations and other suitable channels and, where appropriate, encourage their customers and/or supply chain to register with CLOCS and to abide by the CLOCS Standard
  • make the CLOCS Secretariat aware of comments on and issues with the CLOCS Standard and share information about other initiatives that might complement or contradict the CLOCS Standard

CLOCS Delivery Partners will:

  • use CLOCS branding to promote their CLOCS Delivery Partner status, ensuring that it does not suggest any approval or accreditation of any products and/or services provided by the CLOCS Delivery Partner unless explicitly confirmed in writing by CLOCS
  • provide a link from their website to the CLOCS website
  • allow CLOCS to participate in the Delivery Partner’s marketing events where suitable

CLOCS Strategic Partners will:

  • allow CLOCS to participate in the CLOCS Strategic Partner’s marketing events where suitable
  • work with CLOCS to promote CLOCS and its aims to their audience on an ongoing basis and, where appropriate, encourage their members to register with CLOCS and to abide by the CLOCS Standard

Maintaining your membership

CLOCS is the national standard for construction road safety and It is therefore vital that any organisation looking to join the CLOCS community demonstrates that they support the aims and objectives of CLOCS to reduce collisions, improve safety standards, create efficiencies and reduce emissions, and must operate in a way that is consistent with the CLOCS aims and objectives and not present a reputational risk to CLOCS or members of the CLOCS community.

Any organisation conducting themselves in a manner inconsistent with the aims and objectives and/or likely to create reputational risk to CLOCS and other CLOCS Members may have their membership revoked.

Any misuse or misrepresentation of the CLOCS branding or logo may be reported by any party to CLOCS, who will investigate such claims and take appropriate action which may include a request to remedy the misuse or misrepresentation within a defined timescale and potentially the removal of CLOCS Member status.

Membership may also be removed if a CLOCS Member fails to respond to repeated requests for information or submit an up-to-date annual performance review when requested.