Direct Vision Standard and London Cycling Campaign

31 October 2019

GLA – Mayor launches scheme to revolutionise lorry safety

A world-leading scheme to remove the most dangerous Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) from London’s streets has been launched today by the Mayor Sadiq Khan, Transport for London (TfL) and London Councils.

The first of its kind, the Direct Vision Standard tackles road danger at its source by minimising HGV blind spots which contribute to many tragic deaths and life-changing injuries. Based on how much a driver can see directly through their cab windows, the unique star system rates HGVs over 12 tonnes from zero (lowest) to five (highest). HGVs will need to meet a minimum ‘one-star’ rating by the time enforcement begins to enable them to operate in London, or will need to fit ‘Safe System’ measures to improve the vehicle’s safety.

Big lorries are disproportionately involved in fatal collisions. Whilst they account for just four percent of the overall miles driven in the capital, between 2015 and 2017, HGVs were involved in 63 percent of fatal collisions involving cyclists and 25 percent involving pedestrians.

From this week, operators can apply for a HGV Safety Permit ahead of enforcement beginning on 26 October 2020. HGV operators who fail to meet these new minimum safety standards and obtain a permit will be issued a penalty charge for driving in the capital. The Direct Vision Standard will operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week and will be enforced within the Greater London Boundary.

Lorry Safety by the London Cycling Campaign launch

The London Cycling Campaign launched a new lorry safety website as part of its commitment to reduce road danger with support from Mobileye, an Intel company and global leader in collision avoidance technology for cars, lorries and buses and autonomous vehicle technology; and McGee, a specialist contractor who considers its first priority to be safety.

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