Latest: Construction Logistics Plan Training

6 January 2020

Construction Logistics Plans are the golden thread that runs through CLOCS because, prepared well and used effectively, they bring huge benefits for all stakeholders delivering a construction project.

At the highest level, implementing CLPs under the CLOCS Standard brings:

  • Reduced hassle for planners
  • Demonstrable CSR for developers
  • Safer and more efficient operations for contractors
  • Reduced incidents of collisions affecting people for those operating fleet

CLOCS CLP training intentionally brings together a mix of stakeholders so that they can better understand and appreciate common and unique challenges. From the 6 courses delivered since CLOCS gained ‘trainer status’ in October 2019, 100% of delegates found the content interesting and engaging and would recommend the course to a colleague. 

“Different insights amongst the chain was very interesting, especially seeing all sides of the planning” – recent attendee feedback

Open courses:

  • 27 January – Practitioner
  • 17 February – Foundation
  • 25 February – Practitioner

More information can be found here

Contact to find out about other courses, including bespoke in-house training.