Interested in joining the CLOCS Board?

19 June 2024

We look to refresh the SSGB every year and are now inviting all members to consider whether they would be able and willing to make the commitment to join the SSGB in 2024, representing the wider CLOCS community and help shape the future direction of CLOCS.

The CLOCS Strategy, Standards and Governance Board (SSGB) was set up in 2019 to:

  • Ensure CLOCS remains progressive but pragmatic in addressing the shared challenge and ambition of ensuring the safe and efficient movement of construction vehicles
  • Inform, approve and review progress of CLOCS strategies, policies and activities to ensure they remain appropriate and adequate to achieve the CLOCS mission
  • Be a credible and technically competent body to inform and approve significant changes to the CLOCS Standard and other CLOCS documents, and where necessary provide specific authoritative advice/clarifications to other members
  • Maintain the integrity of the CLOCS programme, including adjudicating on an organisation’s CLOCS member status or arbitrate on any escalated complaints

The Board is made up of representatives from CLOCS members with at least one representative from each stakeholder group – Regulators, Clients, Principal Contractors, Fleet Operators, Delivery Partners and Strategic Partners. SSGB members will normally remain in place for at least 3 years but may continue depending on whether suitable new candidates are identified to replace them.

The group meets formally twice a year for a half-day meeting but there are inevitably other discussions throughout the year as we work to push CLOCS forward. There is an expectation that SSGB members will contribute to various matters providing insights, sharing their knowledge and giving input into discussions and decisions that will help us drive our work forward. We’re looking for individuals who are already actively engaged with CLOCS, not just with their own organisation’s implementation but in attending CLOCS meetings, Safety Forums, etc. The SSGB Terms of Reference can be viewed here as this provides further detail on the Board’s roles and responsibilities.

We look to refresh the SSGB every year and are now inviting all members to consider whether they would be able and willing to make the commitment to join the SSGB, representing the wider CLOCS community and help shape the future direction of CLOCS. Note that this is a voluntary role with no remuneration so there must be agreement from your organisation for you to be able to dedicate a small amount of time to this role.

Should you be interested in joining the SSGB, please email Andy Brooke directly on to express your interest, with a short biography (no more than 200 words) outlining your background, suitability and motivation for the role, i.e. why you wish to be part of the CLOCS Board. All nominees will then be reviewed by the CLOCS team and the current SSGB to ensure suitability. Depending on the volume and suitability of the responses received, and the number of vacancies available, CLOCS members may be asked to vote on their preferred candidates with the nominees with the highest number of votes being invited to join the SSGB.

All expressions of interest must be received by Friday 28th June and we would look to have any new members in place in time for the next SSGB meeting in October.