How to be a good CLOCS communicator

31 October 2018

As CLOCS Champions, we have a joint undertaking to develop messages to promote the aims and objectives of CLOCS across the industry at meetings, conferences, press and other internal and external media. Champions can have a huge impact on the progress of the programme when they use their own spheres of influence to spread the word.

Here’s a list of the positive steps Kate Cairns the Founder, See Me Save Me has taken to communicate what CLOCS is achieving and encourage others to take action:

  • Presented to the Infrastructure Clients Group (ICG) safety panel to nudge major clients to adopt CLOCS
  • Instigated and quoted extensively in an article for NCE magazine under Business Culture which goes out to 90,000 ICE members.
  • Member of the expert group producing the latest version of the CLOCS Standard
  • Member of the expert group carrying out a FORS review.
  • Championed CLOCS at Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) Cycle Working Group (CWG)
  • Highlighted CLOCS in a podcast by the Active Training Team which carry out the Tideway Construction Logistics EPIC training
  • The recording for the podcast was so powerful that the producer decided to produce a full-length version of the interview with Kate
  • Referenced CLOCS in The Culture Lab podcast 
  • Referenced CLOCS in her speech at the ICE Global Engineering Congress

CLOCS Champions can have a profound impact on positively changing behaviour, we'd like to hear about what you’re doing too – please email