Government CWIS supports CLOCS

3 December 2018

The Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy (CWIS) published by the Department for Transport this month mentions CLOCS three times – a great outcome from the efforts of CLOCS champions who responded to the consultation. Several of the interventions proposed in their Action Plan seek greater protection for people cycling and walking either physically or through the legal system.  These include supporting CLOCS and working to expand the scheme beyond London.

Importantly, the Strategy demonstrates alignment with CLOCS’ aim to strengthen planning policy on cycling and walking.  In July 2018 the Government revised the National Planning Policy Framework to clarify and improve consideration of cycling and walking within local development plans.  This provides clarification when working with developers on site design. CLOCS will continue to work with planners and local authorities to ensure considerations are applied in the development phase in addition to the longer-term facilities, networks and integration with Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans.

The CWIS two-year action plan specifically identifies CLOCS and details their intent to continue to support the aims of CLOCS as it is promoted to other cities around the UK.  It will also seek to engage with  CLOCS Champions to include ‘exchanging places’ through their corporate social responsibility commitments and as part of their outreach to students and young people.

Download the CWIS here.