FORS launches Mixed Accreditation for Operators

4 June 2021

FORS (Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme) has introduced a new route to achieve Silver and/or Gold accreditation to offer more flexibility to members who wish to progress within FORS but who need more time to accredit their entire fleet at the higher level of accreditation.

Mixed accreditation (MA) allows for Bronze and Silver accredited members to progress to Silver or Gold level over a set period of time – a maximum of five years. This allows them to hold a higher level of accreditation for selected vehicles and suitably qualified drivers within their organisation.

Once MA is approved, FORS operators will receive their Silver or Gold MA certificate, listing the vehicle registration numbers accredited to Silver or Gold level. The certificate is valid for one year. The drivers accredited to Silver or Gold level will not be listed on the certificate.

Once MA is approved, the MA status of the FORS accredited organisation will be displayed on the Who’s on Board? page on FORS Online, linked here.

To access the updated FORS Rules and Procedures covering MA, click here. Additionally, the FORS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page has been updated to include a section specifically related to MA and is linked here.

CLOCS Champions have access to free tools and guides available on the FORS website when they sign up as a FORS Champion. The support material offered by FORS could help you to better understand and manage the fleet operations servicing your sites. FORS Champions are organisations specifying FORS accreditation in their supply chain. It is free to be a FORS Champion – register here if you are interested, or you can email to find out more.

For more information about FORS, including how to join, click here.