FORS Collision Manager

4 October 2018

FORS Collision Manager (formally CLOCS Manager) is open to any CLOCS Champion looking to improve their understanding of the work-related road safety collisions within their organisation through data monitoring and information outputs.

The system provides a new level of industry transparency relating to work-related road safety enabling users to capture, report, investigate and analyse incidents, collisions and near misses. FORS Collision Manager supports:

  • Anonymous industry benchmarking
  • Positive Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Access to shared learning
  • Compliance with CLOCS, FORS, WRRR
  • Integration with insurance companies
  • Collision KPIs monitoring
  • A central database to help inform policy

The system acts to standardise collision reporting and enables data to be collated so trends can be analysed, hotspots can be identified and information can be shared.

Investigating individual collisions is critical to understanding cause and effect. Doing this effectively will minimise financial exposure and allow review of policy and remedial actions to minimise the chances of reoccurrence.

For more guidance, including how to register to use FORS Collision Manager, follow the link here.