Delivery Management Systems

1 July 2019

Delivery Management Systems (DMS) are used to maximise the productivity of the construction site and fleet operators servicing the site. CLOCS is currently conducting a survey of 100 principal contractor CLOCS champions to understand their current use and ideas for improvement.  So far the DMS has been identified as “essential” in planning and scheduling delivery times particularly to reduce peak/restricted hours traffic and “very helpful” in capturing vehicle/driver details and accreditation. Click here to complete short survey and click here to read more.

Delivery Management Systems are now mostly digital allowing/requiring fleet operators to select online their preferred delivery slot, to pre-enter their corporate compliance rating e.g. FORS Silver and pre-enter the vehicle and driver details for the planned delivery. This also means the gate teams can use this information to fast-track the vehicle booking-in process and manage multiple deliveries to minimise non-productive time on site for drivers and their vehicles.

Whilst digital systems are increasingly the norm for all sites, some contractors reported they sometimes use simplified paper-based approaches on some very small sites with a low number of vehicle movements, but acknowledged they don’t deliver anything like the benefits digital systems can provide.

Delivery Management Systems are a critical part of implementing effective Construction Logistics Plans (CLPs). But DMS use can also provide important data to inform the development of evidence-based CLPs – providing actual data collected from deliveries/collections on current or previous construction projects. This gives certainty to vehicle movements that would otherwise be ‘modelled’ on project cost or duration which often proves hugely flawed.

CLOCS will update and issue a summary chart of the most popular Delivery Management Systems identified by you and others involved in CLOCS – Click here to complete short survey to give your insights and help the wider sector 

This is one of three CLOCS surveys currently being carried out to inform discussions at 11th July CLOCS Working Group by clients, contractors and fleet operators. The other surveys are capturing wording used by principal contractors to procure CLOCS-compliant fleet operators, and to capture construction site managers’ assessment of their gate teams against the CLOCS Site Access Traffic Marsal framework.