CLP Training now available from CLOCS

30 September 2019

A Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) is part of the planning consent process and provides the framework to minimise the impact of construction logistics. Well-planned construction logistics will reduce congestion, environmental impact and road risk, improving the safety of vulnerable road users. The CLP also helps reduce costs through efficient working practices and fewer deliveries.

CLP Foundation and CLP Training Practitioner courses now available:

CLPs are the golden thread that runs through the CLOCS Standard and we are delighted to advise that the CLOCS team is now delivering training to encourage greater use of and consistency in CLPs. Developed by Transport for London, training is delivered in two one-day modules, Foundation and Practitioner. Delegates must complete the Foundation module before progressing to achieve Practitioner status.

  • The Foundation Course, Foundation qualification is a great place to start, shedding light on the purpose and methodology of CLPs.
  • The Practitioner’ qualification is the practical bit, providing everything needed to develop, assess and deliver CLPs effectively. On completion of this module, you will be allocated a CLP Practitioner number and recorded in an online register of qualified Practitioners

Attendees so far have rated the courses as ‘valuable’ in helping to implement CLPs with over 95% recommending the course to colleagues.


Foundation course:        Standard ticket: £300 | CLOCS members only £250
Practitioner course:       Standard ticket £315 |CLOCS members only £265
Course Dates in London:

Please enquire for dates. 

In-house sessions are available on request.

CLOCS Champions:

If you are a CLOCS champion, you are entitled to one space on one course as part of your membership (subject to course availability).

To enquire about a funded space: please email