CLOCS Works Part 2 – Clients and Contractors

1 February 2021

CLOCS Champions asked to ‘strongly advise’ their key supply chain partners to also become CLOCS Champions. 

CLOCS champions are currently required to ‘procure site and fleet operations that comply to the requirements of the CLOCS Standard’ but we are now asking CLOCS Champions to ‘strongly advise’ their key supply chain partners to also sign up to be CLOCS Champions. Together we can accelerate adoption and implementation of the CLOCS Standard and everyone will benefit from more organisations becoming CLOCS Champions.

Growing CLOCS will allow Champions to benefit from:

  • Improved logistics on and off site – saving lives, risk, time and money
  • More investment in tools and training
  • Better community relations and public perception
  • Stronger industry collaboration with more organisations implementing the CLOCS Standard

Additional benefits to supply chain include:

  • Better performance
  • Tools and training*
  • More collaborative relationships with their clients
  • Ongoing support from CLOCS including access to tools and training
  • Helping to shape future demands of the industry

*CLOCS Champions get access to free and subsidised tools and training e.g. Construction Logistics Planning Training, Site Access Traffic Marshal Training, and CLOCS Vox App. Co-investment funds ongoing development of important resources.

All CLOCS Champions are asked to encourage their key suppliers to co-invest. CLOCS will be calling CLOCS Champion Clients and Principal Contractors over the next 8 weeks to chat about how we can help with your approach to supply chains.

You can call us on 0118 9207 200 or email to find out more.